Executive Coaching

Your business environment is rapidly changing and unpredictable. I invite you to consider the Mind-Kinetics® Coaching System as a catalytic intervention to help your organisation achieve inspired leadership at all levels, to face your challenges and leverage the opportunities and gain all around growth.

Being a leader can be a lonely job because it is challenging to find people with whom you can confidentially share your fears and develop solutions to your roadblocks. Our Mind-Kinetics® Coaches are some of the finest Professional Coaches in the world because we have a proven track record for giving leaders like you a high ROI at a very reasonable price.

“What we think we become!”

Therefore, to be more successful in life, we need to change how we think. The trick is that we must change our beliefs at a subconscious level.

~ Betska, The Guru Coach™

You may wish to choose us over other Coaches for these reasons:

  • We go beyond boardroom coaching. Our experience since 1997 is that leaders have a personal life! And in order for a leader to be fully productive at work their personal life must be peaceful and gratifying. Therefore, our Clients love to receive coaching on both their personal and professional lives from the same Coach who becomes your personal confidant.
  • Our Coaches are skilled in Mind-Body-Spirit Coaching. “What we think we become” tells us that the way we think also affects our Body and our Spirit. A healthy leader is a happier and more productive leader. Therefore, coaching someone on their mindset is a priority for us.
  • Subconscious Coaching. Did you know that most people have negative beliefs in their subconscious mind that they aren’t even aware of and this is what causes them to self-sabotage which then affects your company? Yes, proven by science, we can switch a negative subconscious belief into a positive one in every given Mind-Kinetics coaching session. You’ll be amazed.

Call us today to discuss how we can bring you peace of mind in any area of your life, higher business performance and happier employees.